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Nipmuc Organizations & Resources

Complied by members of the Nipmuc tribe, Kimberly Toney and Lydia Curliss. This list offers a starting point for research into Nipmuc history and access points for various Nipmuc cultural organizations and groups. This list is in no way exhaustive, and is updated periodically. 

This list should be appropriately cited and not reproduced without author conset. 


April 26, 2022 - 22:55

Cheryll Toney Holley, chief of the Hassanamisco Nipmuc Band, presents about the indigenous Nipmuc People past and present. Western Mass Showing Up for Racial Justice core members introduce the presentation as a way to learn about the Nipmuc People and to promote the WMSURJ reparations campaign to support the Nipmuc Indian Development Corporation (NIDC).


October 2022 - 9:48

Filmed during the first corn harvest held at Pequoig Farm in the fall of 2022. 

The Mission of the Nipmuc Indian Development Corporation (NIDC) is to assist in the revitalization of the Nipmuc Indian community through the promotion and provision of culturally-appropriate community and economic development programs.

The NIDC is a non-for-profit Massachusetts corporation with a 501(c)3 designation.

The Hassanamisco Indian Museum is a repository of Nipmuc history and culture. Its artifacts, documents, and research library communicate the culture of the Eastern Woodland Indians and the interactions between Nipmucs and the settler culture of Central Massachusetts.

EWR operates as a mutual support network for tribal food producers, farmers, medicine keepers, fisher folk, and hunters - all based within our respective tribal homelands and with Indigenous people in diaspora. 

P8guaso Land Rematriation is a project in Millis Massachusetts seeking to restore matriarchal principles of earth-centered stewardship. The project seeks to grow and share traditional medicine and food and restore polycultural food systems and local fisheries.​

Nipmuk Cultural Preservation's purpose is to recover, cultivate and promote Nipmuc culture and history, serving  Nipmuc Native American groups of Central Massachusetts and beyond.  We have a focus on environmental and natural resource-based stewardship.

Ohketeau Cultural Center's mission is to provide a safe, rewarding and enriching experience for the Indigenous community of the region. Ohketeau allows for the opportunity for interdisciplinary education through cultural workshops, dance, music, art, indoor and outdoor, activities that allows participants the opportunity to fully express their talents.

No Loose Braids is a Nipmuc-led organization focused on continuing and reviving Eastern Woodlands traditions and cultural practices. Our mission is to braid Eastern Woodland Tribal communities together in continuity and reciprocity through traditional practice, cultural revitalization, experiential learning, knowledge sharing, and art.

Indigenous-centered stewardship guided by matriarchal principles. 

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