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Hunting at Pequoig Farm is led by Jose "Ite" Santana through the Nipmuc Cultural Hunt and Fish Club. At this time, hunting is only available for tribal members, their families and invited guests. We ask for advanced notice and clear communication to coordinate any individuals or groups who are interested in hunting to ensure safety for everyone.

Please contact Ite at or at 508-450-2780

Hunters are able to schedule use of the dorms, walk-in fridge, processing materials, butchering tools, freezer space, the vacuum sealer, dehydrator and more. 
Reach out to Ite if you are a new/beginner hunter in the fall of 2024. Hunters are welcome to inquire about usage of these resources for animals they get at other locations as well. We will work to accommodate on a first come first serve basis. 

Indigenous-centered stewardship guided by matriarchal principles. 

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